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If you have a fever, swelling, tenderness, and pain in your legs, arms, or face, you may have cellulitis and require immediate medical attention. Arizona Infectious Disease provides holistic care to eliminate your symptoms and get to the root cause of your infection. Call the office to make an appointment or book online.


Cellulitis Q & A

What is cellulitis?

When you cut or break open your skin, bacteria can enter and develop into an infection called cellulitis. The infection is not contagious, but it is serious and can become life-threatening if left untreated.

You are at increased risk for developing cellulitis when bacteria enters your skin due to:

  • Injury

  • Cuts and bruises

  • Surgery

  • Diabetes

  • Eczema or psoriasis

  • Insect stings

  • Animal bites

  • Peeling or cracked skin

  • Chronic leg swelling

Cellulitis primarily affects your lower legs, but it can also develop on other places on your body, like your face or arms.

What are the symptoms of cellulitis?

Symptoms of cellulitis include:

  • Redness

  • Swelling

  • Pain

  • Tenderness

  • Fever

  • Joint stiffness

  • Sores or abscesses

  • Chills

  • Nausea and vomiting

Another telltale sign of cellulitis is skin that is hot or warm when you touch it.

What treatment options are available for cellulitis?

Dr. Dalal performs a comprehensive exam, takes a skin culture, and does a blood panel to properly diagnose your condition. He customizes your treatment to reflect your current condition and your health history.

The first line of defense for cellulitis is typically antibiotics. Depending on how extensive your infection is, we will recommend either oral or intravenous antibiotics. He gives you specific instructions for caring for the treatment area. If cellulitis is in your legs, you’ll need to elevate it to keep the swelling down.

After your start your antibiotic, he’ll see you again in a few days to make sure the medicine is working and your symptoms are clearing.

How can I prevent cellulitis?

Keep your skin moisturized to keep it from cracking, take care to trim your nails without damaging the surrounding skin, and wear proper protective equipment when you work outdoors or play sports. If you already have a cut, bruise, or wound, it’s imperative that you keep it clean and covered with a bandage.

If you’re diabetic and more susceptible to skin infections, it’s especially important for you to do a regular skin check. If you see any signs of drainage, swelling, or infection, contact us for immediate care.

To learn more about how you can prevent and treat cellulitis, call Arizona Infectious Disease or use the online scheduler to book now.


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